Landscape Day is such a family affair: Saven Wilkins and daughter Yellow, who named the tool she is holding as a “mule.”

Little Max Hagner, 1.5 years old, helps push a wagon full of supplies with mom Elyse pulling and dad Matt walking alongside.

Kim Cullen, who helped organize the day, carries the heavy load of a fern dug up being from a sunny area near the lake and being transplanted to more shade in the woodland.

L-R JP Muller and Saven Wilkins, leaders of New Mark’s volunteer landscaping efforts, show the bagged results of a day’s work by 30 some volunteers – ready for pickup and composting.

Rita Molyneaux and Kathleen Moran (with bike) discuss with Ardis Fisher what to do about the bike found in the woods.

L-R: Peter Krug and Matt Hagner dragged out rolls of collapsed fencing behind 826 NME. Some of it had grown into trees and had to be cut free, they said. That’s committee chair Saven Wilkins at the right.

14. Jonathan Ferguson, who has a keen eye for invasive species, supervised a team which removed two huge PILES of brush from near the turnoff to the 200 and 300 NME blocks.

Jonathan Ferguson and his daughter Ellery stand here with a pile of Japanese Honeysuckle and other invasive plants pulled out along the woodland pathway.

JP Muller, who heads the landscape committee’s “tree” team, leads the way along the woodland path with Eddie Potocko, Amy Roswurm, from one assignment to another. Hidden behind Amy on the pathway is Yellow Wilkins.

Kathleen Moran and Jim Nations (with Jim Rupert, next photo) return from lake assignment with bags full of trash picked up in area near the fence with Parkside Landing.

The euphorbia circle at the intersection of Welwyn Way has been worked on over the past years to bring it into a nice round circle. On November 4, the following people worked to pull up a considerable amount of euphorbia INSIDE the circle to make way for the belated planting of a tree in honor of New Mark’s 55th anniversary in 2022: L-R Yellow Wilkins, Ron Tipton, Eddie Potocko, Amy Roswurm, Forence Browning (age 5.5), her dad Kyle Browning, and Chris Durso.

L-R: Ardis Fisher and Ellen Stein plant Sarcococca ruscifolia—known by its common name fragrant sweet box—outside near pool’s deep end.

L-R: Peter and Laurie Krug; Max Hagner, 1.5 years; Jennifer Jackson; and Max’s mother mother Elyse Hagner. Planting azaleas, allium, and coneflowers outside the pool fence by the baby pool.