The day was blessed with good weather, nice lunch with yummy brownies, and lots of fun! Stephanie Bloom, the Pool Committee and the swim team deserve a huge round of thanks for organizing such a special day! The photos tell the story …

The Pickle Ball court was busy for several hours, led by Ron Tipton. In the last hour or so, Ron said young kids and teenagers got involved and kept the game going. L-R Frank Cole, Sean Hart, Josh Lubell, Ron, Patty Hart.

We bought lunch tickets from this crew which included (L-R) Gabriele Zavala, Debbie Nathanson, Heather Borsum and Rita Molyneaux. Alex Belida provided the “action” for the photo!

Last minute volunteers made the kids games happen. Here, Rodrigo Donoso, Lucia (5), Claudia Figueroa, Julian (2) at the cornhole board.

Stephanie Bloom, chair of the pool committee, did the heavy lifting to organize another great July 4. With a flow of last-minute volunteers to handle the games, she was able to even play a few rounds of Pickle Ball!

Maxwell Price, 4, and playmate Lucia Villalobos found the soccer goal to be an equally interesting object of play.

Having just moved into New Mark the previous week, Paulina Nusinovich Silverstein and Josh Silverstein already knew about our July 4th tradition and joined the fun. With children Noah, 7, and Maya, 4

Stephanie Bloom, at right, even got a chance to sit down for lunch with Gabriela Zavala, far left; her husband Francisco Resendiz; and Tim Hefferon, swim team representative

L-R: Susan Klein, Colleen Tschakert, Barbara Goldstein and her pet, and Josh Lubell. Colleen’s daughter Maria is standing.
Photos by Pat Reber