Here’s a quick update on community goings-on as families sequester with their children:
With cold rain on the horizon for Saturday, March 28, the Landscaping Team has decided to postpone the spring cleanup until the rain date of April 18. We will keep you informed about the April arrangements as we follow COVID-19 developments.
NMC amenities like the sports courts remain open to NMC families, but should only be used via appropriate actions to ensure safe health. Please follow the City of Rockville’s guidelines on parks.
With time on their hands, some neighbors have taken a look outside their homes into the common areas and started their own cleanups! Great News!! Max Bliss was so inspired by the 300-block cleanup the other weekend (reported in the March newsletter) that he tackled his own “backyard” between 888 and 890 New Mark Esplanade! Look at all the detritus he found! (first photo) He said he worked alone. The Malicksons and Kronenbergs took the lead in the 300 block. (second photo) If anyone else gets energetic, please email us photos and comments and the Communications volunteers will publish (
Some neighbors are worried seeing groups of children congregating around theneighborhood. While their numbers did not exceed Governor Larry Hogan’s request to limit groups to 10 persons or less, it is hoped they are aware of keeping their distance. Some of our NMC kids however have become very creative in their pursuits. We found them zooming down on opposite sites of Welwyn Way on their scooters. And we found them doing chalk art on sidewalks. Playtime is important.
The Board also reminds residents to please keep the newly surfaced tennis courts in good condition. Dogs, wheeled baby strollers, tricycles andbicycles have no place inside the fence, as that kind of use will quickly erode the surface. Your dues have paid for major resurfacing of the courts. PLEASE help us keep these courts in good condition by observing the guidelines. This photo was sent to us by a concerned resident.
We have already published in the newsletter you received on Saturday the Board’s suggestions for life during this time. Here they are again:
- New Mark’s common areas may be more crowded. With most people at home all day, every day, there will be more cars parked on the streets and more residents out using the common areas. We will need to adapt to more crowded conditions, while also being aware of safety precautions we should all be taking. We ask that you have extra levels of patience with your neighbors.
. - People may become irritable as cabin fever sets in. Again, please be patient. Go for a walk.
. - Elderly people and people with health needs may need assistance. People over 70 or people with underlying health conditions really should not leave home to go anywhere other than to medically necessary appointments. We may be able to coordinate a neighborhood effort to assist the elderly and ill who would like assistance.
. - The Board has designated newly-elected Board member Laura Berthiaume as a contact person for questions during the COVID-19 period. She can be reached at with inquiries, suggestions, and concerns.