By Pat Reber

L-R: The makeup of the Board after Monday’s election: Karin Boychyn (elected to one-year term); Kathleen Moran, Alex Belida and John Daroff, already on the Board; David Sloane (elected to three-year term); Ellen Stein, already on the Board; and Joe Jordan (elected to three-year term.) Photo by Pat Reber
New Mark homeowners on Monday evening elected three new members to the Homes Association Board of Directors, selecting Joe Jordan, David Sloane and Karin Boychyn to fill three vacant seats during the Annual Meeting at the Clubhouse.
Six candidates had vied for the seats. The other three who volunteered to run were Ron Tipton, Becky Phillips and Brent Gulick.
Joe and David, who were the top vote getters, will serve full terms of three years each, replacing Alex Manolatos and Magnus Turesson who did not run for re-election. Karin, who came in third in the balloting, will serve a one-year term to finish the term vacated by David Schwartzman’s resignation last year.
Residents Margaret Chao and Chris Durso were named inspectors of the elections and carried out the ballot count while the rest of the meeting went forward.
All three new Board members have been active as volunteers in the community.
Karin (3 Letchworth Circle) has worked with the International Dinner committee and volunteered for community cleanups since moving in three years ago with her husband and two children.
Joe (328 NME) moved here in 1987, served on the Board 2003-2009 and was its president for three of those years. He is currently on the Pool Committee.
David Sloane (1 Stevenage Circle) moved here in 2008, joining his wife first in a townhome, then moving to a detached home. He served as a member of the 50th Anniversary ad hoc committee in 2017, contributing photographs for the Community Memoir booklet and the New Mark Commons website and creating large posters for a special historic exhibit at the clubhouse. He also helped create the video documentary of New Mark history posted on the website.

Leaving the Board: Alex Manolatos and Magnus Turesson, shown here at their final Board meeting Thursday March 7. Alex served three years on the Board and Magnus served six years. They did not seek reelection.
More details about the meeting and final ballot tallies will be published in the March 23/24 digital newsletter.