On Monday, August 28, our landscape contractor, Stolburg Lansdcaping Inc., will begin spraying a broad leaf herbicide on the grassy common areas in the community. We have divided NMC into two sections for the treatment, to be done on two separate days:
Monday, August 28 treatment areas
- The 800 block of New Mark Esplanade (NME) and the grassy area between the 800 block and the 200 block of NME
- The area around the Clubhouse, pool, tennis courts, playground and basketball courts
- The turf along NME from the intersection of Potomac Valley Road to the dead end of NME near the 800 block entrance
Thursday, August 31 treatment areas
- The 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 blocks of NME
- The turf along NME from the intersection of Maryland Ave. to Potomac Valley Road
There will not be any application along the asphalt walk path near the lake, the lake banks, or on the path from the 200 block to Monroe street.
Treated areas should not be used by pets or children for 48 hours. The product being applied is Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide for Grassy and Broadleaf Weeds. If you would like a copy of the Safety Data Sheet or have any questions, please contact Administrator, Jim Denny at 301-340-0288 or