The three new Directors elected at the March 13 New Mark Commons Homes Association, Inc. Annual Meeting are: Alex Belida, Kathleen Moran, and David Schwartzman.  They will serve with continuing Directors John Daroff, Alexandra Manolatos, Ellen Stein, and Magnus Turesson.

As specified by Articles VI and VII of the NMC Bylaws, the Organizational Meeting of the 2017-18 NMC Board of Directors and election of officers will take place on Thursday, March 16, at 7:30 PM, in the NMC Clubhouse. Update 3/14, 3:30 PM: The agenda for the Organizational Meeting is available at Board Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

Further details of both meetings will appear in the March electronic issue of the New Mark News, targeted for Sunday, 3/19.

Sincere thanks go out to:

  • Outgoing Directors John Brown, John Hansman, and Dorie Mangan for their long and dedicated service
  • Board candidates John Hansman, Joe Jordan, Daniel New-Schneider
  • NMC Administrator Jim Denny; Board Members John Daroff, Ellen Stein, and Magnus Turesson; the NMC Communications Committee; and residents (Margaret Chao, Bill Holdsworth, Ron Tipton, for counting the Ballots; Chris Holdsworth and Rita Molyneaux for working the sign in table; and Arthur Katz for taking pictures for the upcoming newsletter) for their contributions to the logistics of the Annual meeting
  • And to all of the interested NMC residents who braved the weather to attend the meeting!

Tuesday, 3/14 weather-related notes:

  • As of 8:45 AM Tuesday, NMC contractor Stolburg’s staff is in the neighborhood plowing and treating the townhouse and pool parking lots. The NMC common area and public sidewalks will be cleared by the end of the day.
  • Check for information on the City’s Snow Removal Priorities for plowing City streets and regulations about Snow Removal on Sidewalks.
  • Accessing and/or subscribing to City Important Alerts will give you access to regular snow operations updates from the City’s Director of Public Works, Annual Meeting guest speaker Craig Simoneau.